Membership Spotlight – The Destiny Project

Membership Spotlight highlights the work of our member organisations and outline how other individuals and NGOs can support them. Below we shine the light on The Destiny Project. As we approach Youth Mental Health Day 2023, #YMHD, on Tuesday 19th September 2023 they would like to highlight to other organisations how they can get involved.

The Destiny Project is a registered mental health charity, we have been a Together member for 2 years. We aim to provide support and advocacy to communities that endure high deprivation.  The Destiny Project prides itself on being a collaborative organisation and seeks to work with other agencies large and small, to provide as wide a range of services as possible, particularly for the most vulnerable in the community.  

We currently have provisions in Edinburgh and East Lothian with the development of provisions in Fife and Shetland. We desire to reach out and work with many organisations of different sizes to promote children, young people and their families and the incredible contribution they play in society. Anyone can ‘Dream Inspire and Achieve’, it’s our desire to highlight that this something that can be achieved.

On the run up to #YMHD, we want to share what we are currently working on and how other organisations can get involved with our work and projects. This year the awareness day is encouraging understanding and awareness of mental health with young people.

What projects are you currently working on?

We are delighted to have two incredible young people from the USA this summer who are doing an internship with TDP. They are currently working on two fantastic pieces of work. The first piece of work includes a mental health social media campaign that is highlighting the importance to Article 12 of the United Nations Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the importance it has within children’s mental health. The second piece of work includes a Health and Well-being Programme that has many articles involved within it. 

How do you support children and families to learn about their rights?

We believe that Article 12 is key to promoting the importance of children’s mental health. We support children and young people in many ways from a 1:2:1 session to group work that promotes mental health and social inclusion. 

How can children and young people make their views heard to influence your work?

It’s our social responsibility to listen to children and young people. Society needs to change its attitude towards this important matter and valuing the views of children and young people. The Destiny Project has a peer support group “Young Ambassador Project” (YAP). It’s important to us that young people have a platform to thrive, Article 12 is heart to our work.

Does your organisation influence policy development on issues affecting children and young people? If so, please share an example.

We would love to be involved a lot more than we do, children’s rights are so important to shape the 21st century Scotland that we all wish to see in policy. Young people play a huge part in the way we want others from the globe to see Scotland. Children and young people can make a huge contribution to support Scotland to become a well-being society and inspire other countries from all over the world to follow in their footsteps.

What do you enjoy most about being a member of Together?

TDP loves being an Ambassador of the rights of children, we fully believe in the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill and what it represents. It’s important that implementation comes to fruition for our children and young people now and generations to come. 

How can other organisations or individuals get involved or support your work?

We pride ourselves for being a collaborative organisation with the aim to end the stigma towards mental health. We are a voluntary organisation so we would love to promote our volunteer opportunities.

You can keep up to date with us on our social media pages:

Andrew, our CEO, = is keen to visit organisations within Scotland to share his passion for mental health awareness and the importance of involving children and young people within the discussion of mental health awareness and his thoughts on why article 12 is so important within Scottish society. Click here to view The Destiny Project Website.

If your organisation was an animal what would it be and why?

A duck because while we are a relaxed organisation on the surface but under the water we are working with passion and determination to create change for children and young people and their families.

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