Membership Spotlight – LGBT Youth Scotland

Membership Spotlight highlights the work of our member organisations and outline how other individuals and NGOs can support them. During LGBT History Month 2024, we are shining the light on LGBT Youth Scotland, who have now been a member of Together for four years. Specifically, in this spotlight, they highlight Purple Friday bringing people all over Scotland together, to show their support for LGBTQ+ young people. Plus, they answer our new campaign #RightsOnTrack question!


LGBT Youth Scotland is Scotland’s national charity for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Questioning, and Intersex (LGBTQ+) young people. LGBTQ+ young people face unique and additional barriers to realising their potential and that is why LGBT Youth Scotland exists. We believe Scotland can be a place where all young people can flourish and thrive, and we work alongside young people to remove those barriers; working with young people individually and amplifying their collective voices to influence change. 

Purple Friday

We have just launched Purple Friday, if you click this hyperlink you will learn about Purple Friday, our biggest annual fundraising and awareness raising day. It brings people all over Scotland together, to show their support for LGBTQ+ young people. That visibility is so important because it shows LGBTQ+ young people that they are seen and loved for who they are. Visibility is so important for LGBTQ+ young people because it shows them that they are seen and loved for who they are. It challenges stereotypes, dispels ignorance, and fosters acceptance. Being a visible ally for LGBTQ+ equality opens hearts and minds, creating a more inclusive Scotland for all.

Purple Friday takes place on the last Friday of February, which is also LGBT History Month. The next Purple Friday will be on 23rd February 2024.

Why Purple?

The purple stripe on the Pride flag represents the spirit of the LGBT+ community and our allies. So, we created a day to celebrate that spirit and bring people together to build a better Scotland for LGBTQ+ young people.

This year we are inviting folk to champion LGBTQ+ visibility by lighting up Scotland with our Purple Friday: Miles for Money Challenge.You can find out more and register for free here:

How do you support children and families to learn about their rights?

Through our website and to access click this hyperlink, social media communications, the LGBT Charter and our services.

#RightsOnTrack Campaign

Together’s #RightsOnTrack campaign which you can read by accessing this hyperlink is all about making sure that ALL children in Scotland have ALL of their rights ALL of the time. We’re looking for members to join the campaign, by taking on a specific recommendation from the United Nations’ latest review of Scotland (more about these here) and calling for decision makers to put this into practice. If you’d like to take part, which recommendation would you want to take on and why? If there’s an issue that you’d like to drive forward that’s not included in the recommendations then please let us know this!

‘LGBT Youth Scotland’s ongoing work around the Gender Recognition Reform Bill and wider trans healthcare continues. Members of our Trans Rights Youth Commission continue to push for reform in trans healthcare through meetings with decision makers and practitioners. We advocated for inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the Bill of Rights consultation as there is no treaty from the UN which Scotland can look to incorporate. Our research has shown that LGBTQ+ young people have unique experiences of mental health so we are in the process of recruiting for a new Mental Health Youth Commission which will allow LGBTQ+ young people with lived experience to better understand what change is needed and how best delivered.’

Would you like to receive the latest updates on Together’s #RightsOnTrack campaign? Sign-up to Together’s mailing list by clicking on this hyperlink.

If your organisation was an animal what would it be and why?

If our organisation was an animal, we would be a dolphin. Dolphins are known for their intelligence, playfulness and positivity, and strong sense of community. Similarly, our organisation values the amazing potential of LGBTQ+ young people, exists to make Scotland a place where all young people can flourish and thrive, and fosters a sense of belonging and support within the community. Like dolphins, we believe in the power of connection, communication, and creating waves of positive change for the betterment of everyone involved.

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